Are Popcorn Ceilings Making Comeback?

Trends in fashion and interior design are often cyclical, with elements from past decades making comebacks in modern times. Vintage styles are making a comeback in modern design. This includes neon colors from the 1980s and mint-green kitchen appliances inspired by the 1950s.

However, one trend that seems to have fallen out of favor and remains unfashionable is the popcorn ceiling. Despite the cyclical nature of trends, they are not making a comeback anytime soon.

Here at ROA Drywall, we’re delighted to see popcorn ceilings becoming a thing of the past. In this article, we will discuss why popcorn ceilings are not likely to become popular again. We will look at reasons like health risks, allergies, and limited design options.

Health Concerns:

Popcorn ceilings are not coming back because of health concerns related to the materials used to make them. In the past, asbestos was used to make popcorn ceilings because it was heat resistant and durable. Researchers have linked exposure to asbestos to serious health issues, including lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Asbestos is not used in construction materials in many countries anymore. However, some older homes may still have popcorn ceilings that contain this dangerous substance. Homeowners are careful about health risks from popcorn ceilings, so they are not as popular in modern design.

Allergy Sensitivity:

Today, more homeowners are worried about keeping their homes clean and safe for their families. Popcorn ceilings have a bumpy texture. This texture can trap dust. Dust can be a problem for people with allergies or breathing problems.

Popcorn ceilings are hard to clean because of their bumpy texture, which can trap dust, pet dander, and allergens. Popcorn ceilings can worsen allergies and decrease indoor air quality, making people dislike this outdated design.

Design Limitations:

In addition to health concerns, popcorn ceilings present limitations in design flexibility. Modern interior design often focuses on creating visually appealing spaces with unique textures and color palettes. However, popcorn ceilings lack the smooth surface necessary for experimenting with different painting techniques or adding decorative elements.

Painting a popcorn ceiling is hard because of its bumpy texture. Popcorn ceilings may not be attractive to homeowners seeking a modern and cohesive design. This is because their speckled appearance may not complement contemporary aesthetics.

Historical Context:

Popcorn ceilings used to be popular in homes in the mid-20th century, but they are not as common nowadays. Popcorn ceilings were popular for hiding flaws in ceilings because they were cheap and easy to install.

Developers used to like popcorn ceilings for being cheap and easy. But as styles changed and homeowners became pickier, popcorn ceilings became unpopular. Today, many homeowners view popcorn ceilings as outdated and unattractive, opting instead for smooth, flat ceilings that offer greater design versatility and aesthetic appeal.

Will Popcorn Ceilings Come Back in Style

Popcorn ceilings probably won’t make a comeback. Why? Well, first, some have harmful stuff like asbestos. Second, they collect dust, which is bad for allergies. Lastly, they’re not great for trying new designs. So, for now, it looks like popcorn ceilings are staying in the past.

Textured ceilings are safer than smooth ceilings as they typically do not contain asbestos. Additionally, textured ceilings offer a unique aesthetic. It’s important to consider the differences between these two types of ceilings before making a choice for your home.

Homeowners are moving away from popcorn ceilings in favor of modern, healthy, and visually appealing living spaces. Are you considering removing your popcorn ceilings and giving your home a fresh look? Reach out to ROA Drywall for a free consultation and begin your journey to a more stylish and healthier living space.


Is it good or bad to have a popcorn ceiling in my home?

Having a popcorn ceiling may not be either good or bad. If someone installed your ceiling before the 1980s or 1990s, it likely doesn’t have asbestos unless someone disturbs it. If it’s in good condition, there’s no need to worry.

If you live in an area prone to natural disasters or are renovating, it’s important to check for asbestos. Checking for asbestos is a good idea in these situations.

Asbestos can be harmful to your health if disturbed. Better to be safe and check for asbestos before starting any construction or renovation projects. This will help us determine if we need to remove or reduce it.

Why isn’t it popular anymore to have a popcorn ceiling?

Popcorn ceilings aren’t as popular nowadays because of safety concerns. Older ones, built before the 1980s or 1990s, might contain asbestos. Exposure to asbestos can raise cancer risks.

Should I remove my popcorn ceiling or cover it up?

Removing a popcorn ceiling typically costs around $2,000. A risk of finding asbestos during the messy removal exists. If there’s no asbestos, removal is cheaper. Alternatively, you can cover it by spraying specialized vinyl paint or installing new ceiling panels over it.